
Talking about : Fantasy


<Nina's Heavenly Delights 蓮娜的甜美生活 (2006)> (*Review)

<Sugar Rush (2005)> (*S1 Review)
性幻想除了使用迷離的燈光之外,還可使用「出人意外的場景」.在所有拉片性幻想中,我非常欣賞<Sugar Rush>在第一季一開場的春夢,強力旋轉的咖啡杯座配上節奏搖滾樂,把年輕拉子的愛慾癡狂完全推到另一個境界.

<Loving Annabelle (2006)> (*Review)

<Imagine Me And You 新娘向後跑/四角關係(2005)> (*Review)

<But I'm Cheerleader 戀戀模範生(1999)>

<Fucking Åmål/Show Me Love 同窗之愛 (1998)>

<When Night Is Falling 夜幕低垂 (1995)>

<Henry and June 第三情 (1990)>
銀行家之妻Anaïs Nin(古典大眼美女Maria de Medeiros)同時喜歡上Henry Miller,June Miller夫妻.她與Henry之間倒是簡單明快,與June之間的發展就顯得撲朔迷離,所以先來一場性幻想是必要的.

*八卦一下:我曾在某期PREMIERE雜誌看過一篇Uma Thurman 烏瑪舒曼的專訪,她回憶當初拍<Henry and June>和導演是相當不愉快.

我找到了July 1998 那一期P.60-P.67是她的專訪,在P.65的邊欄"Uma Cum Laude" 這樣寫道:
"It was very heavily sexual material, which I knew, but I was just nineteen and I wasn't very sexual, I wasn't in charge of myself as a woman. Philip Kaufman and I didn't get along, and I'd never not gotten along with a director. His whole agenda was very overwhelming, very unpleasant for me. He wanted more sexuality, beyond what was writeen on the page. I wasn't really prudish where I felt it was merited artistically, but I fought him about a lot of things."

"It was the first time I'd ever tried to refuse direction. Not as in, 'No, I won't do it'; but I would struggle and try to achieve it in appearance, but at the same time undercut it. i think he found me to be a neurotic little frightening kid. It was an initiation for me, because I had to take the beating and try to persevere. I survived it, and some of my performance was pretty much as I wanted, except for all the kinky stuff, the strange usages of body doubles. I said, 'Do what you want, go ahead, have fun'; I washed my hands of that. I was proud--I'd never been proud before. Because I didn't end up getting crushed by the struggle."

["For the record," Kaufmant tells PREMIERE, "there was no use of body doubles in the film."]

參見:Talking About A to Z 主題索引

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